
Brian Restauro is a special counsel in the Intellectual Property Group in the firm’s Washington, D.C. office. Brian is practicing pending admission in Washington, D.C. and working under the supervision of one or more D.C. Bar Members.

Areas of Practice

Brian is recognized for his deep expertise in intellectual property law, with a focus on patent preparation and prosecution in several cutting-edge technology sectors. His career is highlighted by his strategic management of global patent portfolios and his innovative approach to intellectual property law.

Before joining Sheppard Mullin, Brian spent nearly a decade at the International Business Machines (IBM) Patent Center, where his contributions advanced the protection of innovative technologies. As an in-house attorney, he managed global patent portfolios for technology segments that included cloud, mobile technologies, artificial intelligence, collaboration, and predictive analytics. In doing so, he implemented programs to either increase disclosure submissions or prioritize existing disclosure submissions to ensure filing targets were met.

Brian has extensive experience in intellectual property, particularly in the preparation and prosecution of patent applications. His area of specialization encompasses a wide range of technologies including artificial intelligence, database and file management, multicomputer data transferring, information security, virtual machine tasks, process management, vehicle navigation and relative location, financial, business practice management, computer aided design, telecommunications, dynamic magnetic information storage, error detection/correction and fault detection/recovery, electrical computers and digital processing systems; memory, virtual machine task or process management or task management/control.

During the course of his career, he has played a pivotal role in transactional duties, developing non-infringement arguments, managing patent application filing targets, and advising on intellectual property provisions in confidential information exchange agreements. His leadership extended beyond his primary responsibilities and has played a pivotal role in development quality metrics for patent application preparation and prosecution processes, presented several inventor education sessions, and has led inventor diversity initiatives.

Over the years, he advised invention development evaluation teams by drafting patentability opinions, advising on ownership issues, and advising on activities that could affect the patentability of their invention. He has developed non-infringement arguments when third party patent holders asserted their patent rights.

Known professionally for his commitment to quality and excellence, Brian developed a quality metrics rubric that has been pivotal in assessing and enhancing the patent application process across multiple teams, directly supporting critical technology sectors such as cloud computing and machine learning. His leadership in inventor diversity initiatives and his role as a catalyst for diversity and inclusion in the IP law sphere underscore his commitment to fostering an inclusive and innovative legal community. His efforts have been recognized with the Culture Catalyst award in 2022, underscoring his impact on the legal profession and beyond.

With a demonstrated dedication to educating and mentoring upcoming legal and engineering talents, Brian ensures the delivery of high-quality work-product in a quota-driven environment. His passion for education and continuous improvement is evident in his development and implementation of processes to ensure timeliness and quality in patent application filings.



  • Drafted and prosecuted patent applications across a diverse range of technologies, including AI, software development, and telecommunications.
  • Managed global patent portfolios and advised on intellectual property provisions in agreements.
  • Supervised and mentored a team of professionals in a quota-driven environment to ensure high-quality patent applications.
  • Developed non-infringement arguments and established quality metrics to assess and improve patent application processes.
  • Led diversity initiatives.



  • Syracuse Law Review, Editorial Member 2012-2013, Executive Editor 2013-2014


J.D., Syracuse University College of Law, 2014

B.S., Biology, University of Florida, 2010


  • Not admitted in District of Columbia; supervised by partners of the firm admitted in the District of Columbia.
  • New York
  • U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
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