Nota Bene Episode 21: The Real Business of Congress with Elizabeth Frazee


There’s a lot of sensationalism in the American political climate these days. The tone of discourse and the portrayal of Washington in the media has shifted. It’s important to re-center ourselves and refocus our attention on the fact that the government does (and can!) function properly. Drawing on the Clinton Administration as an example, we see that it’s possible for the government to pass significant legislation, many of which affect multinationals, even when the government appears to be in disarray.

Joining host Michael Cohen to explore this topic further is Elizabeth Frazee. Named a “Top Lobbyist” by The Hill newspaper, Elizabeth has a 30-year career in Washington that encompasses over a decade working in high-level jobs on Capitol Hill, executive experience at leading tech and entertainment companies and years of successful representation of companies, trade associations and non-profits as a policy advocate and political strategist.

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What We Discuss in This Episode:

Has everyone in Congress lost their heads or is there still some sense of business as usual?

Looking at the Clinton Administration, there was much chaos during the impeachment proceedings and yet, significant legislation was still passed

What the active agenda is that has been set by three top Democratic Congressmembers

Why we often see bipartisanship on the business issues even when there is partisanship on the political issues

Will the change in the House of Representatives, with Democrats taking control, affect the C-Suite?

How and where does Congressional oversight begin?

The format that Congressional oversight hearings take

When it comes to consumer expectations regarding privacy, what position is Congress taking on the sharing of information and collection of data via technology?

Will the seemingly negative discourse around governmental relations affect the real business of Congress?


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