
Stinson Recognized with 2024 Outstanding Pro Bono Champions of the Year Award

Press Release

Stinson LLP has been awarded the 2024 Outstanding Pro Bono Champions of the Year Award by the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota (ILCM).

The award recognizes the firm's efforts in implementing the U Visa Pro Se Project, one of the nation's first projects to offer limited-scope legal assistance to noncitizen victims of crime seeking help filing for immigration protection and status. The U Visa project, developed by Stinson Pro Bono Attorney Tim Sanders Szabo and ILCM, has enhanced ILCM's ability to serve Minnesota's immigrant and refugee communities by expanding access to immigration representation to victims of domestic violence and other crimes, and reducing the amount of time they would otherwise have to wait to receive legal assistance. This enables the project's clients to find security and stability in a shorter amount of time without sacrificing the quality of legal support they receive.  

"It is a privilege to partner with the Immigrant Law Center of Minnesota on this project in a meaningful way. The support of ILCM and the wonderful work of Stinson attorneys and paralegals has allowed us to assist our noncitizen neighbors who have been victims of crime," Sanders Szabo said.

Individuals who have accepted initial referrals through the U Visa Pro Se Project include Partners Deborah Deitsch-Perez, William Hanna, Harvey Reiter, Lauren Routhier and Julie Scheipeter, associates Annabel Barraza, Clarissa Brady, Jennifer Brown, Maya Cherayil, Ashley Cheff, Martha Nweke and Betsy Smith, and paralegals Meredith Daly and MacKenzie Stewart.

The firm was honored with the 2024 Outstanding Pro Bono Champions of the Year Award at ILCM's Summer Celebration on July 25, 2024.


Media Contact

Elle Moxley
Media Relations Manager

Abigail Schoenrade
Communications Specialist

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