A Conversation with Nancy Conrad: Higher education chair and managing partner at White and Williams LLP Lehigh Valley office

Lehigh Valley Business

Nancy Conrad, Office Managing Partner, Lehigh Valley and Chair, Higher Education Practice Group recently sat down with Melissa Rizzo, Lehigh Valley Business to discuss her plans for the future as President of the Pennsylvania Bar Association (PBA). 

When asked about her goals as the seventh woman president of the PBA and second to hail from Lehigh County, Nancy commented, "I strive to be an inclusive thought leader in my practice, and I apply the same principles with the PBA. My vision for the year is built on "four cornerstones." These include: Promoting integrity and excellence in the practice of law; Encouraging wellness and professionalism among PBA members; Ensuring inclusion and belonging in the РВА; and Extending PBA's outreach and connection to PBA communities." 

You can read the full article here. 

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