Showing 3 posts in Corporate Compliance.

Stay Informed and Protected: Subscribe to Our New Privacy, Cyber, & AI Decoded Alerts

In today's age of complex data privacy and AI regulations, staying informed and in compliance is more crucial than ever.

That is why our Privacy, Security, and AI practice created Privacy, Cyber & AI Decoded, a new publication that delivers important insights on data privacy, cybersecurity, and AI compliance when your organization needs them most.

Subscribe to our Privacy, Cyber & AI Decoded alerts to receive these timely insights right in your inbox. More ›

The Texas Supreme Court Has Spoken: Mortgage Servicers May Rewind and Restart the Statute of Limitations Clock Within the Same Letter

Last week, the Texas Supreme Court answered the Fifth Circuit’s certified question as to whether simultaneous rescission and reacceleration can reset the limitations period under Texas Law by holding that “a rescission that complies with the statute [Tex. Civil Practice and Remedies Code Section 16.038] resets limitations even if it is combined with a notice of reacceleration.” Moore v. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A., No. 23-0525, 2024 Tex. LEXIS 156, at *2 (Feb. 23, 2024). More ›

6 Ways to Achieve Compliance without an Audit

No doubt there is a need for compliance audits. I do them. You do them. Almost every regulatory & compliance lawyer and consulting company that exists does them. In fact, some state and federal laws mandate that you do a compliance audit. You can do them internally, you can do them externally, and you can run yourself in circles trying to make someone who matters realize the value in implementing changes that result from the audit.

Realistically, there are only so many traffic signals and stop signs you can yield to. In the first of a recurring series of Compliance Corner posts, we're going to look at 6 practical tips you can implement without a formal compliance audit that will either stave off the regulators, or make a couple of zeros drop off their demand (I mean before the decimal point). Even if you've had a terrible experience interacting with a government agency, and you just don't buy that these efforts will matter to them, these tips will help you to build better relationships with your customers. More ›