Showing 72 posts in #12Days.

The 12 Days of California Labor & Employment Series – Day 10: Civil Penalties for Unpaid Wages

It's the end of the year and while everyone is busy, employers in California should be aware of new laws and regulations that go into effect on January 1, 2020. In the spirit of the season, we are using the "12 days of the holidays" to blog about one California law daily and its impact on California employers. On the tenth day of the holidays, my labor and employment attorney gave to me: ten pipers piping and AB 673.

California law currently provides for a civil penalty to be imposed on employers who fail to pay the wages of an employee as provided in specified provisions of the Labor Code. Current law requires the Labor Commissioner to recover that penalty as part of a hearing held to recover unpaid wages and penalties or in an independent civil action. In the independent civil action, a specified percentage of the penalty recovered is to be paid into a fund within the Labor and Workforce Development Agency dedicated to educating employers about state labor laws, and the remainder be paid into the State Treasury to the credit of the General Fund. More ›

The 12 Days of California Labor & Employment Series – Day 9: Janitorial Businesses and Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training

It's the end of the year and while everyone is busy, employers in California should be aware of new laws and regulations that go into effect on January 1, 2020. In the spirit of the season, we are using the "12 days of the holidays" to blog about one California law daily and its impact on California employers. On the ninth day of the holidays, my labor and employment attorney gave to me: nine drummers drumming and AB 547.

Currently, California law requires employers who provide janitorial services to register with the Labor Commissioner annually and prohibits them from conducting business without an active registration.  More ›

The 12 Days of California Labor & Employment Series – Day 8: Additional Leave for Organ Donation

It's the end of the year and while everyone is busy, employers in California should be aware of new laws and regulations that go into effect on January 1, 2020. In the spirit of the season, we are using the next "12 days of the holidays" to blog about one California law daily and its impact on California employers. On the eighth day of the holidays, my labor and employment attorney gave to me: eight maids a milking and AB 1223. More ›

The 12 Days of California Labor & Employment Series – Day 7: Cal/OSHA Reporting Requirements

It's the end of the year and while everyone is busy, employers in California should be aware of new laws and regulations that go into effect on January 1, 2020. In the spirit of the season, we are using the "12 days of the holidays" to blog daily about one of these new California laws and its impact on California employers. On the seventh day of the holidays, my labor and employment attorney gave to me: seven swans a swimming and AB 1804 and 1805. More ›

The 12 Days of California Labor & Employment Series – Day 6: Au Naturel Hair is Always Welcome

It's the end of the year and while everyone is busy, employers in California should be aware of new laws and regulations that go into effect on January 1, 2020. In the spirit of the season, we are using the "12 days of the holidays" to blog daily about one of these new California laws and its impact on California employers. On the sixth day of the holidays, my labor and employment attorney gave to me: six geese a laying and SB 188. More ›

The 12 Days of California Labor & Employment Series – Day 5: More Expansion to Lactation Accommodations

It's the end of the year and while everyone is busy, employers in California should be aware of new laws and regulations that go into effect on January 1, 2020. In the spirit of the season, we are using the "12 days of the holidays" to blog daily about one of these new California laws and its impact on California employers. On the fifth day of the holidays, my labor and employment attorney gave to me: five golden rings and SB 142. More ›

The 12 Days of California Labor & Employment Series – Day 4: Notice Required to Employees Regarding Flexible Spending Accounts

It's the end of the year and while everyone is busy, employers in California should be aware of new laws and regulations that go into effect on January 1, 2020. In the spirit of the season, we are using the "12 days of the holidays" to blog daily about one of these new California laws and its impact on California employers. On the fourth day of the holidays, my labor and employment attorney gave to me: four calling birds and AB 1554. More ›

The 12 Days of California Labor & Employment Series – Day 3: Harassment Training Deadline Extended

It's the end of the year and while everyone is busy, employers in California should be aware of new laws and regulations that go into effect on January 1, 2020. In the spirit of the season, we are using the "12 days of the holidays" to blog daily about one of these new California laws and its impact on California employers. On the third day of the holidays, my labor and employment attorney gave to me: three French hens and SB 778. More ›

The 12 Days of California Labor & Employment Series – Day 2: Longer Statute of Limitations for Harassment, Discrimination, and Retaliation Claims was not on Employers' Holiday Wish List

It's the end of the year and while everyone is busy, employers in California should be aware of new laws and regulations that go into effect on January 1, 2020. In the spirit of the season, we are using the "12 days of the holidays" to blog daily about one of these new California laws and the law's impact on California employers. On the second day of the holidays, my labor and employment attorney gave to me: two turtle doves and AB 9. More ›

The 12 Days of California Labor & Employment Series – Day 1: No Rehire Provision is Now a No-No

It's back! Hard to believe another year is coming to a close and the holidays are fast approaching. As always, the legislature is keeping California employers busy; California has once again enacted many employment laws this year set to go into effect in 2020. In the spirit of the season, it's time for our annual "12 days of the holidays" series, where we will blog daily about one California law and its impact on California employers. So, on the first day of the holidays, my labor and employment attorney gave to me: a partridge in a pear tree and SB 749. More ›