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PR Energy Bureau Orders Offshore Wind Study

An McV Energy Alert

On July, 23, 2021, as part of the implementation the Integrated Resources Plan and Modified Action Plan, the Puerto Rico Energy Bureau (“PREB”) issued a Resolution and Order ordering the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority (“PREPA”) and Luma Energy ServCo, LLC (“LUMA”) to conduct an offshore wind study tailored to Puerto Rico’s wind resource and electric grid. This study is to evaluate the cost, generation profile, and other characteristics of anchored and floating wind turbine options, among others.

The PREB set the following calendar for PREPA and LUMA to comply with:

  • File, on or before September 15, 2021, a Gantt Chart showing the timeline for the completion of the study;
  • Attend a Virtual Technical Conference on September 21, at 10:00 am, and make a presentation;
  • File, on or before September 17, 2021, a PDF copy of said presentation;
  • Ensure that PREPA and LUMA representatives and relevant consultants attend the Virtual Technical Conference and are prepared to answer questions from the Energy Bureau staff and consultants.

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