
Avoiding Software Ownership Disputes

SeminarHow a Good Agreement Can Easily Prevent a Major Litigation Mess in the Future
10.16.2024 | 2:30 - 5 p.m.
Stinson LLP

1201 Walnut Street, Suite 2900

Kansas City, MO 64106

The laws surrounding software ownership are complex and lack clarity. Without a written agreement, or if your agreement omits key details, costly litigation can arise.

Join Stinson Partners David Barnard and Steve Cosentino, and Michal Whitney, CIPP in our Kansas City office for an informative discussion about the laws that govern software ownership and strategies for avoiding potential software disputes.

Key Takeaways

  • Learn the key differences between software developed by employees versus independent contractors.
  • Understand the applications and their built-in routine tools that can lead to ownership disputes.
  • Discover essential contract provisions to ensure software development agreements cover key aspects, like ownership rights.
  • Hear horror stories where a little upfront work could have avoided a major dispute.

CLE credit is pending in the following states: KS & MO.

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Theresa Gaul
Events Specialist

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