
Non-Bankruptcy Restructuring Options

WebinarWorkouts, Receiverships and Other Strategies to Consider in a Challenging Economic Environment
08.13.2024 | 11:45 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. CT

Join Stinson Partners Drew Glasnovich and C.J. Harayda on Tuesday, August 13 for a virtual presentation exploring options beyond bankruptcy for borrowers and lenders facing financial difficulties.

During this CLE, C.J. and Drew will discuss other restructuring strategies that can be more efficient and better preserve value for all constituencies. These options include loan workouts, state law insolvency proceedings such as receiverships and assignments for the benefit of creditors, and Article 9 remedies and sales. They'll also share their insights and key considerations for parties evaluating their strategic options while navigating the current market.

CLE credit is pending in the following states: CO, FL, KS, MN, MO & NE.

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Theresa Gaul
Events Specialist

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