
Stinson's IP&T Team Produces Another Outstanding Year for Trademark and Patent Prosecution and Defense

Press Release

Stinson LLP detailed how the attorneys from its Intellectual Property & Technology (IP&T) Practice Division helped clients protect and defend their IP assets in 2023.

Stinson's IP&T attorneys filed 820 patent applications and successfully issued 544 patents in 2023. They also filed 726 trademark applications and successfully registered 404 trademarks.

Currently, the firm's IP&T attorneys manage over 10,000 active patents, with over 5,000 in the U.S., and over 12,000 active trademarks, with nearly 6,000 in the U.S.

"We saw our work deliver tangible results and impactful protection in 2023. From patents to trademarks, we're committed to providing excellence in IP development, strategy and protection," Stinson's IP&T Practice Division Co-Chair Jason Conway said. "Our strategic and collaborative alignment with our clients' goals resulted in robust patents and trademarks and fueled growth. In 2024, we'll build on this momentum, propelling our clients' success even further and empowering them to thrive in the ever-evolving IP landscape."

Stinson's IP&T Practice Division is co-chaired by Conway and Steve Cosentino, CIPP. The IP&T attorneys have a broad and deep range of scientific and technical degrees and proficiencies and use this knowledge and experience to strategically counsel clients in matters throughout the intellectual property lifecycle. Stinson has one of the largest patent practices in the Midwest, with over 20 attorneys licensed before the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and the Patent Trial and Appeal Board. The firm's practice is also recognized by the World Trademark Review as a leading firm on the WTR 1000, highlighting its attorneys' ability to deliver high quality services while undertaking extensive patent and trademark work.

Media Contact

Elle Moxley
Media Relations Manager

Abigail Schoenrade
Communications Specialist

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