Ford Quoted in Columbus C.E.O. Story Titled "How Businesses Can Avoid Legal Risks of Utilizing Social Media"
Jackie Ford, a partner in the Vorys Columbus and Houston offices, was quoted in a Columbus C.E.O. story titled “How Businesses Can Avoid Legal Risks of Utilizing Social Media.” The story highlighted the pros and cons of the use of social media in the workplace.
The story states:
“One of the biggest attractions of social media also gives rise to its biggest risk for businesses.
‘People want to act more quickly and in ways they would never do face-to-face,’ explains Jackie Ford, a partner who focuses on labor and employment law for Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease LLP. ‘It’s this myth of a closed environment when you are on social media, particularly Facebook.’
Ford adds, ‘Almost every issue of social and technological change plays itself out at work,’which is why employers must be on top of social media. As the use of social media has grown, claims have arisen across diverse areas such as employment, trademark and contract law, which can lead to litigation from private parties, but also government enforcement.”
To read the entire article, visit the Columbus C.E.O. website.