Vorys Attorney Featured in Local 12 Story on Social Media Use and Teens
Whitney Gibson, a partner in the Vorys Cincinnati office, was featured in a Local 12 news story on the positive ways that teens can use social media. The story was about a presentation on social media that Gibson and Vorys Attorney Angela Rapp presented to students at Mason High school.
The story states:
“Whitney Gibson is one of the people behind Social Media Mania. The presentation was created with an MTV producer. In the program, Gibson uses real cases and actual posts to talk about social media issues, especially cyberbullying. ‘You're taking a huge risk, frankly, anytime you tease anybody on the internet or make fun of them because all it takes is one person to have that emotional harm and you're going to be held liable under a lot of laws that are preventing this.’
Mason High School freshmen will hear the presentation. They'll hear about simple things they can do to avoid mishaps online.”
To watch the story, visit the Local 12 website.