Waite Featured in American Metal Market Story Titled “Commerce's Threaded Rod Ruling Welcomed”
Frederick Waite, of counsel in the Vorys Washington, D.C. office, was quoted in an American Metal Market story about the U.S. Department of Commerce’s preliminary determination on the U.S. steel threaded rod producers’ dumping and subsidy complaints regarding imports from India and Thailand. According to the story, the department found that imports of steel threaded rod from India received subsidies.
The story states:
“‘Hopefully the decision will be registered in the marketplace, the U.S. industry will regain customers and be able to sell to customers at a fair price,’ Fred Waite of Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease LLP and counsel to the domestic threaded rod producers, told AMM.“
It also stated:
“In the three months after the trade cases were filed in June, imports from Thailand spiked by around 40 percent, prompting domestic producers to file for retroactive duties, Waite said.
During the period of investigation, imports hit domestic producers hard, he said.
‘In many cases sales were lost because import prices were so low they couldn't be met. In other cases domestic producers dropped prices in order to maintain customer market share,’ Waite said. ‘They were really struggling.’”
To read the entire story, visit the American Metal Market website. (Subscription required).