The Evaluator - Fall 2012
At Vorys, we are constantly educating ourselves on the changing real property tax environment. It's our job to stay on top of these changes so you don't have to. We created The Evaluator to provide the relevant information that you need in this area, including summaries of statutory and regulatory adjustments. In this quarterly publication, our attorneys will research and write articles that are insightful, interesting and helpful to you. If something is on the horizon that you should know, we'll tell you how it affects you and what you should do to prepare. The information provided is only summary in nature. For a more detailed evaluation of your properties, please contact one of the Vorys attorneys listed on the right.
These stories are focused primarily on developments within Ohio, but we are happy to do a similar analysis of how these issues affect you in other states. If you are interested in a review of the issues for your state, please let us know. We hope you enjoy the read.
Read The Evaluator.