The Law of Oil and Gas in Pennsylvania – Second Edition
Michael Vennum and Keith Zabela, of counsel in the Vorys Pittsburgh office, co-authored a chapter for second edition of The Law of Oil and Gas in Pennsylvania. Vennum and Zabela's chapter was titled “Title and Conveyancing of Oil and Gas Rights in Pennsylvania.” The chapter covers topics such as the necessity of a title search and title opinion, verification of marketability, ownership of oil and gas, methods of conveyance, title washing, encumbrances and curative actions.
The treatise thoroughly explores the rich history of oil and gas legal concepts and the technical, environmental, and regulatory issues unique to exploration for and production of oil and gas in Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania's law of oil and gas will continue evolving as courts grapple with the application of new technologies and concepts that collide with a body of case law developed in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries.
This reference is available both in book and electronic format. Copies may be purchased through the Pennsylvania Bar Institute.