Client alert
Update: Federal COVID-19 Relief Efforts Impact Higher Education Institutions
Our team continues to track legal developments related to the COVID-19 pandemic, specifically as they relate to colleges and universities. As you know, relief efforts, employment and unemployment factors, and the much-anticipated rebound remain fluid. Here are a few recent notes of particular interest:
- The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission provided further guidance on managing disability and accommodations issues related to COVID-19.
- The Department of Labor issued summary letters regarding unemployment compensation under the CARES Act, including the application of federal unemployment and reimbursement of state unemployment benefits for reimbursing employers.
- The Department of Education issued a CARES Act grant funding cover letter and Certification and Agreement for universities’ use of the student portion of funds, and it is anticipated additional guidance will issue this week.
We hope this information is helpful, and we welcome any specific questions or concerns you may have.