USCIS Announces Registration Period for FY2026 H-1B Visa Lottery
On February 5, 2025, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that the initial registration period for the H-1B lottery process will open at noon ET on March 7, 2025 and will run through noon ET on March 24, 2025.
In connection with the lottery process, USCIS last year launched new organizational accounts that allow companies and their legal representatives to collaborate on H-1B registrations. Registrants who already have an H-1B myUSCIS online account from past H-1B registrations may continue to use their existing credentials to log into their accounts. Those without accounts will be required to create new accounts to enter beneficiaries into the H-1B visa lottery.
Employers should identify which of their employees or prospective employees may need H-1B cap-subject filings, including those with advanced degrees. This typically includes current F-1 employees working on Optional Practical Training work authorization or employees working in a different visa status or with Employment Authorization Documents (EADs). Employers should anticipate their workforce needs for FY2026 and carefully consider whether the filing of cap-subject H-1B petitions is needed.
If you think you have a candidate for H-1B status who might be subject to the cap, we encourage you to contact your Vorys attorney as early as possible to allow sufficient time to complete the registration process.