
Subro Sessions

Subro Sessions: The Subrogation Department proudly presents our podcast, Subro Sessions. This podcast provides insights into the world of subrogation.

  • Builders Risk Losses: Are Additional Insureds Always Subrogation Proof?
    12.17.24 | Hosted by David S. Huberman

    This episode of Subro Sessions, entitled “Builders Risk Losses: Are Additional Insureds Always Subrogation Proof?” is hosted by David Huberman, Partner. David covers the topic of builders risk losses and circumstances where the anti-subrogation rule may not bar subrogation against a responsible party who is also an additional insured under a builders risk policy, while emphasizing the importance of identifying whether the jurisdiction the loss occurred in recognizes exceptions to the anti-subrogation rule.

The Employment Law Counselor Podcast

The Employment Law Counselor Podcast: The Labor and Employment Group presents their podcast featuring practical discussions of the maze and minefield of labor and employment laws.

  • Potential Claims Surrounding Workplace Violence Incidents
    12.19.24 | Hosted by Tanya A. Salgado

    The newest episode of The Employment Law Counselor Podcast, hosted by Jeff Stewart, Counsel, and Tanya Salgado, Partner, covers the topic of violence in the workplace and potential claims that employers face surrounding these incidents. The discussion covers the steps that employers can take when conducting their background checks, ban the box laws, understanding the laws in your jurisdiction, and policies employers should have in place that address workplace violence.

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