Joanna Storey Authors BASF Blog Post: ABA Tips for Effective Client-Lawyer Communications
Hinshaw attorney Joanna Storey published a blog post titled "ABA Offers Tips for Effective Client Lawyer Communications" in the Bar Association of San Francisco's (BASF's) Legal by the Bay blog. The post discusses American Bar Association Formal Opinion 500, issued October 6, 2021.
The Opinion discusses communication challenges related to language differences, cultural differences, and physical differences. It notes that whether the client and lawyer speak different languages/dialects or they give different meanings to the same words or circumstances, it remains the lawyer’s duty to competently and effectively communicate with the client.
Read the post on the BASF Legal by the Bay website
"ABA Offers Tips for Effective Client Lawyer Communications," was published by Legal by the Bay on January 21, 2022.