Aimee Delaney Discusses Wage and Hour Tips for Employers During the Holiday Season
Hinshaw attorney Aimee Delany recently spoke to Max Kutner of Law360 regarding wage and hour tips for employers to consider during the holiday season.
Delaney said employers must stay compliant with wage and hour laws during the holiday time chaos: "It's a super busy time for a lot of industries and it becomes that much more critical then to stay on top of things." She discussed issues ranging from expense reimbursements for holiday party items to workers seeking pay for time spent donning and doffing Santa suits.
"If I'm a department store, my main activity is not putting on Santa Clauses, it's selling my wares," Delaney said. "So I think you could maybe have a safe classification of an independent contractor and avoid the wage and hour issue."
Read the full article on the Law360 Employment Authority website (subscription required)
"5 Wage-Hour Tips for Employers During the Holiday Season" was published by Law360 Employment Authority on December 10, 2021.