
Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues are not new. Successful businesses have always taken their role as responsible corporate citizens seriously, and the resulting legacy of corporate generosity, philanthropy, and volunteerism has been impactful. Yet, in the past, attention to environmental, social, and governance considerations above and beyond legal and regulatory compliance was primarily considered voluntary. And, while businesses have always faced stakeholder pressures, those pressures have ramped up and increasingly involve competing—even contradictory—goals and demands from various stakeholders or factions within stakeholder groups. Added to that is an evolving and potentially patchwork legal framework addressing ESG considerations at the federal and state levels.

For more than 80 years, Hinshaw has advised and represented companies on environmental, social, and governance matters. Hinshaw draws upon its experience and the talents of its skilled transactional, regulatory, and litigation lawyers and advisors to help clients respond to the increasing stakeholder pressures and develop ESG strategies that dial down ESG risk and dial up ESG opportunity.

We assist our clients in key ways, including board counseling, risk assessments, regulatory compliance, employment guidance, and representation in enforcement actions and litigation.

Our Team

ESG issues are interdisciplinary issues, and our team reflects this. We bring together experience across various sectors, from environmental, insurance, corporate governance, and privacy to product liability, labor and employment, and consumer financial services.

Our team includes former State Attorneys General, a former United States Attorney, former Assistant United States Attorneys, former State District Attorneys, an SEC Enforcement attorney, a former General Counsel to an SEC registered money manager and broker-dealer, and attorneys with in-house counsel experience.

The team works together to ensure our clients benefit from coordinated and comprehensive advice customized to our client’s particular needs.

ESG presents important challenges and opportunities for businesses. Accordingly, implementing appropriate policies, practices, and compliance with legal and regulatory requirements is imperative to a business’s success. Hinshaw stands ready to help.

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