Publications Archive
- An McV Tax Alert
- An McV Tax Alert
- An McV Energy Alert
- An McV Alert
- An McV Labor & Employment Law Alert
- McV News
President Obama appoints PROMESA Board Members
- An McV Tax Litigation Alert
Victory in Discriminatory Alternative Minimun Tax
- An McV Energy Alert
Act 133-2016 Brings Important Changes to the Net Metering Program, and Paves the Way for Community Solar and Microgrids
- An McV Hospitality Alert
McConnell Valdés' Hospitality, Tax and Government Affairs groups work on conceptualizing and drafting Act 137-2016, the Tourism Industry Support Act of 2016.
- An McV Environmental Alert
Adoption of Regulation No. 8750 for the Certification of Operators of Water and Wastewater Systems and/or Treatment Plants
- An McV Energy Alert
Approval of PREPA Revitalization Corporation’s Transition Charges
- An McV Labor & Employment Law Alert
- An McV Corporate Alert
- An McV Labor & Employment Law Alert
- An McV Labor & Employment Law Alert
- An McV Tax Alert
- An McV Tax Alert
PR Treasury Issues Guidance for Requesting an Additional Extension of the 6% SUT for Pre-Existing Agreements
- An McV Tax Alert
- An McV Labor & Employment Alert
Recent Developments Regarding the Value Added Tax, Forms and Procedures
- An McV Employee Benefits Alert
Puerto Rico Treasury Exempts Employee Benefit Trusts from the Requirement of Annual Filing of Form 480.7(OE) and Repeals Circular Letter 12-02
The U.S. Department of the Treasury and Department of Commerce issued additional amendments to the Cuban Assets Control Regulations and Export Administration Regulations.
- An McV Employee Benefits Alert
The Puerto Rico Treasury Department issues Tax Policy Informative Bulletin No. 16-08 to announce that a new version of Form 480.7(OE), Informative Return for Income Tax Exempt Organizations has been issued for taxable years 2015 and thereafter.
- An McV Corporate Alert
New Types of Corporate Entities Authorized under Puerto Rico General Corporations Act
Implementation of the Value Added Tax (“VAT”) Postponed until June 1, 2016
Act 254 to Regulate the Nursing Profession in Puerto Rico
Administrative Determination 16-01 Provides Guidance on the Transition to the Value Added Tax
Reminder to Sponsors of PR Qualified Retirement Plans who adopted Plan Restatements and Qualification Amendments during 2015
On January 25, 2016, the Puerto Rico Supreme Court revoked the Puerto Rico Appellate Court and reinstated the Judgment issued by the Court of First Instance favoring the employee’s exercise of her breastfeeding rights. The Court had to interpret the employer’s duty to provide an employee who is breastfeeding an adequate place where she could express breast milk during the periods allowed by law.
Act 247-2015 aims to promote the use of reusable bags and prohibits retail stores and other commercial establishments, as of December 24, 2016, from providing plastic bags to customers.
- Amendments Ease Financing Rules on Exports and Further Facilitate Travel to Cuba
The U.S. Departments of the Treasury and the Department of Commerce issued additional amendments to the Cuban Assets Control Regulations and Export Administration Regulations, which went into effect on January 27, 2016.
Amendment allows non-exempt employees to use up to five sick leave days to take care of sick or convalescent family members.
Administrative Determination 15-25 provides guidance on sales and use tax reporting; Administrative Determination 15-26 establishes effective date for VAT provisions.
Circular Letter of Tax Policy 15-16 notifies the cost-of-living adjustments announced by the IRS for taxable year 2016 that will apply to retirement plans qualified under the provisions of Section 1081.01 of the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011.
For the second time this year, McV attorneys Antonio Escudero-Viera, Miguel Rivera-Arce and Lillian Toro-Mojica will offer a series of talks on legal topics relevant to nonprofit organizations that have recently received grants from the Fundación Angel Ramos.
- Retail Consumer Laws,
On October 30, 2015, Governor Alejandro García Padilla signed an Executive Order banning the use of plastic bags as part of his commitment to the conservation of natural resources. The effective date of the prohibition is July 1, 2016.
- Government Affairs,
We summarize the most important aspects of Legislature House Bill 2718 and Senate Bill 1513, which create the Board for the Financial Supervision and Economic Recovery of Puerto Rico and approve a 5-year consolidated Economic and Fiscal Growth Plan.
- Cuba Practice Team,
New amendments will further ease sanctions related to travel, telecommunications and internet-based services, business operations in Cuba, and remittances.
- Environmental,
DNER Reschedules Public Hearings and Extends Comment Period for the Proposed Amendments to the Maritime Terrestrial Zone Regulation
- Tax Litigation,
Puerto Rico Supreme Court Clarifies Jurisdictional Payment Requirement
to Challenge Real Property Tax - PR Treasury Issues New Guidance on Sales and Use Tax Applicable to Services
Puerto Rico Treasury Issues New Guidance on Sales and Use Tax Applicable to Services
- DNER Proposes Amendments to Maritime Terrestrial Zone Regulation
DNER Proposes Amendments to Maritime Terrestrial Zone Regulation
- Public Participation in the Review Process of PREPA’s Integrated Resource Plan
Public Participation in the Review Process of PREPA’s Integrated Resource Plan
Puerto Rico Energy Commission Promulgates Regulation on Rate Filing Requirements for Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority
- Paper Format Returns No Longer Available for Sales and Use Tax Reporting
Puerto Rico Department of the Treasury issues Administrative Determination 15-14
- U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division issues Administrator’s Interpretation 2015-1
U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division issues Administrator’s Interpretation 2015-1
- PREC Regulation
PR Energy Commission Promulgates Regulation on Certifications, Annual
Fees and Operational Plans for Electrical Service Companies - Municipality of Carolina Grants Amnesty for Certain Municipal Taxes
Municipality of Carolina Grants Amnesty for Certain Municipal Taxes
- U.S. Court of Appeals Upholds Ruling Invalidating Puerto Rico Recovery Act
U.S. Court of Appeals Upholds Ruling Invalidating Puerto Rico Recovery Act
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