Publications Archive

  • Cuba Practice Team,

    U.S. and Cuba announce reopening of embassies in Havana and Washington, D.C.

  • Update Regulations for Exempt Employees Announced

    President Obama Announces Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Update Regulations for Exempt Employees

  • Recent Legislation Affecting the Labor & Employment Law Area

    Recent Legislation Affecting the Labor & Employment Law Area

  • Treasury Issues Guidelines on Returns of Taxable Items and Pre-Existing Agreements

    Treasury Issues Guidelines on Returns of Taxable Items and Pre-Existing Agreements

  • DACO Issues New Advertising Regulation

    DACO Issues New Advertising Regulation

  • Increase to Use Tax Bonds due to the enactment of Act 72-2015

    Increase to Use Tax Bonds due to the enactment of Act 72-2015

  • DACO Issues New Regulation

    DACO Issues New Regulation

  • USEPA Issues Revised Multi-Sector General Permit

    USEPA Issues Revised Multi-Sector General Permit

  • Act 72 Amends the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011

    Summary of the most significant provisions of the Act modifying current statutory provisions dealing with individual and corporate income taxes. 

  • Act 72 Amends the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011 - Part II

    Summary of  the most significant provisions of the Act amending the sales and use tax provisions of Subtitle D of the Code, and adding a new Subtitle DD to the Code to include the value added tax provisions.

  • Tax Free Holidays Announced

    Sales tax holidays for uniforms and school supplies announced.

  • Tax Reform House Bill 2482 Alert #3

    This Alert updates our Tax Alerts of May 20 and 21, 2015 regarding House Bill 2482

  • Tax Reform House Bill 2482 Alert #2

    This is the second Tax Alert on the recently unveiled House Bill 2482 to amend the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011.

  • Tax Reform House Bill 2482

    House Bill 2482  introduced in the Puerto Rico Legislature in an effort to reach a consensus to raise revenues and obtain a balanced budget for fiscal year 2015-2016.

  • Procedure to Benefit from the Tax Amnesty

    Procedure to Benefit from the Tax Amnesty

  • PR Supreme Court Holding Regarding Municipal Authority to Impose Municipal License Tax

    Recent Puerto Rico Supreme Court Holding Regarding the Municipal Authority to Impose Municipal License Tax.

  • Puerto Rico Department of Treasury issues Administrative Determination 15-05

    Automatic Release of Imports Repealed for Non-Bonded Importers

  • Act 44-2015

    Act 44-2015 Implements an Incentives Plan for the Payment of Taxes

  • Incentives Act for the Payment of Taxes Prior to the Tax Transformation

    Additional Period of Time to Pay or Prepay Income Taxes: Retirement Plans, Individual Retirement Accounts and Education Contribution Accounts

  • Puerto Rico and Dominican Republic Formalize Commercial Agreements

    Agreements designed to foster closer and more productive relations between Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic reached.

  • The Act to Transform Puerto Rico's Tax System: Individual and Corporate Income Tax

    Summary of the most significant provisions of the bill modifying current statutory provisions dealing with individual and corporate income tax.

  • The Act to Transform Puerto Rico's Tax System: Conduit Entities

    Summary of the most significant provisions of the Code dealing with “conduit entities.”

  • Puerto Rico Energy Commission adopts Regulation No. 8543

    Puerto Rico Energy Commission Promulgates Regulation for Adjudicative
    Procedures, Non-Compliance Notices, Investigations and Rates Review

  • The Act to Transform Puerto Rico's Tax System

    The Act to Transform Puerto Rico's Tax System

  • Puerto Rico Public Corporation Debt Enforcement and Recovery Act Unconstitutional

    Federal Court declares Debt Restructuring Act for Puerto Rico Public Corporations unconstitutional; permanently enjoins government from enforcing it.

  • Reminder: Sponsors of PR Qualified Retirement Plans May Be Required to File with
    PR Treasury by April 15, 2015 any Plan Restatements and Certain Specific
    Amendments to Meet PR Tax Qualification Requirements

  • Interconnection Procedures and Net Metering Standards

    The Puerto Rico Energy Commission  issues Order No. CEPR-MI-2014-0001

  • Electronic Payments of Estimated Personal Property Tax

    The Municipal Revenue Collection Center (“CRIM”) issues Circular Letter No. 2015-01.

  • Environmental,

    CIFP Act adopts a digital code which will substitute all permits, certification, licenses and the like which must be posted at any premises, industry or commercial establishment.

  • Cuba Practice Team,

    Beginning January 16, 2015, the United States government will ease Cuba trade and travel restrictions charting a new course in U.S.- Cuba relations.

  • Tax & Retail,

    January 2015 Tax Free Holiday Reminder

  • Act. No. 238

    Act. No. 238 Extends Tax Prepayment of Accrued Value of Benefits on Retirement
    Plans and IRAs until January 31, 2015

  • Obama Administration Charts a New Course for U.S. - Cuba Relations

    Obama Administration Charts a New Course for U.S. - Cuba Relations

  • Technical Amendments to the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011

    Technical Amendments to the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code of 2011

  • Alternate Procedure for Filing Supplemental Information for Taxable Year 2013

    Puerto Rico Department of the Treasury issues Administrative Determination 14-28

  • PR Treasury Announces 2015 Retirement Plan Limitations

    Puerto Rico Treasury issues Circular Letter of Tax Policy No.14-05 notifying the cost-of-living adjustments announced by the IRS for taxable year 2015.

  • Windsor Amendments Deadline Approaching

    Puerto Rico Qualified Plans Must be Amended on or before December 31, 2014, to comply with the Post Windsor Requirements.

  • Existence of Private Residential Roads Recognized under Puerto Rico Law

    Puerto Rico Supreme Court Recognizes the Existence of Private Residential Roads under Puerto Rico Law

  • New Private Equity Funds Act Enacted

    Senate Bill No. 862  becomes Act. No. 185, the new Private Equity Funds Act.

  • Municipal License Tax Amnesty Approved by the Municipality of San Juan

    The Municipality of San Juan implements municipal license tax amnesty.

  • Automatic Release of Imports Repealed

    PR Department of Treasury  issues Administrative Determination No. 14-27

  • Electronic Remittance of the 2% Special Charge on Money Transfers

    Puerto Rico Treasury Department issues additional guidance regarding the remittance options with of  the 2% Special Charge on eligible money transfer transactions.

  • Act 174 Extends Incentive Plan on Amounts owed by Employers

    Act 174 Extends Incentive Plan on Amounts owed by Employers

  • Renewal Reminder: Reseller and Municipal Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certificates

    Renewal Reminder: Reseller and Municipal Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certificates

  • PR Treasury Publishes AD 14-26

    PR Treasury Postpones Enforcement of 2% Charge on Money Transfers

  • PR Treasury Issues AD 14-25

    PR Treasury issues guidance with respect to municipal sales and use tax returns

  • Names of certain forms amended

    PR Treasury issues Tax Policy Informative Bulletin No. 14-02 informing name change for certain forms. 

  • Acts 160 and 169

    Acts 160 and 169: Two new laws that significantly affect Employment Law in Puerto Rico

  • PR Treasury issues Circular Letter of Tax Policy No.14-02

    Additional Guidelines Regarding Tax Prepayment on Retirement Plans Accrued Balances

  • Carlos Fernández-Lugo interviewed and quoted by Latin America Advisor

    Carlos Fernández-Lugo interviewed and quoted by Latin America Advisor, Inter-American Dialogue's newsletter.

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