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New Workplace Posting Required for New York City Employers by July 1

New York City employers have a new posting requirement to comply with.  By July 1, 2024, employers must provide to each employee a copy of the New York City “Know Your Rights at Work” poster.  The multilingual poster contains a QR code that links to the city’s “Workers’ Bill of Rights,” which provides summaries of city, New York State, and federal employment laws.  Employers also must provide a copy of the poster to each new employee on or before their first day of work.  The method of distribution is not specified, so an employer could presumably provide copies electronically or in hardcopy.

In addition to personal distribution, the poster must be conspicuously posted in the workplace in an area accessible and visible to employees.  The employer also must make the poster available online or on its mobile application if the employer regularly uses such means to communicate with its employees.

An employer who fails to comply with any of these requirements is liable for a civil penalty of $500.  For a first violation, the city’s Commissioner of Consumer and Worker Protection is required to notify the employer and request that the employer correct the violation within 30 days.

Employers with operations in New York City should prepare means to distribute the poster to employees and post it in their workplaces on July 1.  Contact your Vorys lawyer if you have questions about this new requirement.

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