Each affinity network at Hinshaw & Culbertson LLP plays a key role in the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion program by:

Additionally, the Women Attorneys Network (WAN) has developed the following mission statement:

Hinshaw is committed to creating and fostering an environment that contributes to the development and success of its women attorneys and enhances the visibility and recognition of women in leadership roles within the firm and in the legal profession. Our mission is to stimulate, nurture, and encourage a firm culture focused on the recruitment, development, promotion, and retention of qualified women attorneys. WAN is committed to providing resources to assist our women lawyers to develop and expand client relationships and connect with one another to share opportunities for personal advancement in our careers and in the community.


Hinshaw Is Committed to Our Success


The National WAN Group is Co-Chaired by:

Heather LaSalle Alexis, Siobhan Grant, and Kate Schnake with support from:

Regional Coordinators

Amy L. DuMond Kottke, Connie Mayer, Jill Mendelsohn Friedman, Kristin Hoffman, Amee Mikacich, Stephanie Tolson, Abby U. Van Grinsven, and April T. Villaverde