The insurance industry is an important engine of economic and technological growth and an essential source of financial security, stability, and strength. This four trillion dollar industry, as measured by premiums, confronts business, regulatory, litigation, and claim challenges and opportunities on a daily basis. Insurers require and deserve sophisticated, cutting edge, creative counsel who deliver cogent advice, sophisticated representation, practical solutions and outstanding results.

Whether focusing on a particular claim, cession, transaction, or matter or considering their larger portfolio interests...whether in the claims stage, trial court, intermediate appellate court, court of last resort, or in negotiation, mediation or arbitration...whether dealing with policyholders, government regulators, consumers, or other insurers...whether selecting the particular lawyers, the insurance practice group, or the firm as a whole...leading insurers call upon the lawyers of Hinshaw to protect their interests. Insurers appreciate The Hinshaw Advantage.

World Championship Advice and Representation Provided by a Premier Team of Insurance Lawyers

Hinshaw offers a premier team of leading insurance lawyers — over 130 lawyers with significant combined legal experience. The breadth and depth of our diversified roster of lawyers is second to none when it comes to representing insurers in the full range of legal services.

A Long-Standing Tradition of Serving Insurers

Hinshaw has represented insurers in every facet of insurance law, in every domestic forum, and the global market since our founding in 1934. With this tradition of service comes an understanding of the business of insurance, a respect for the needs and expectations of insurers and the professionals employed by them, a mastery of legal precedent, and an ability to place current and future challenges into context. 

A Contemporary and Strategic Commitment to Serve Insurers 

Proving superior legal service to insurers for decades to come is a central element of Hinshaw's strategic plan. Hinshaw has acted on its strategy by attracting the leading legal talent and by providing an environment conducive to delivering top legal services. Over the past two years, for example, Hinshaw has added 50 seasoned insurance lawyers, including: a team of preeminent insurance coverage, reinsurance, and extra-contractual lawyers with a national practice headquartered in Chicago; the leading regulatory and reinsurance lawyers from Barger & Wolen in California and New York; a group specializing in marine, admiralty, and energy insurance in California; a former general counsel at a leading insurer; and disability insurance lawyers in Florida . . . and the list goes on. 

Professionals Who Know Insurance Law 

The commitment of our legal professionals to insurance law does not start or stop when on the client's clock. To our lawyers, insurance law is a passion. 

Responsive Service-Oriented Representation 

Hinshaw lawyers understand providing high caliber, creative, resourceful professional advice, and first rate representation from seasoned litigators is critically important to our clients. We also appreciate the vital roles played by claims professionals, claims supervisors and managers, underwriters, senior management, and in-house counsel and understand how their talents, leadership, and knowledge contribute to a company's success. Accordingly, we pride ourselves on building long-term relationships with our clients and on working collaboratively with these professionals to achieve the best results. We understand our clients' business goals, operations, programs, and portfolio interests. We value the importance of effective and timely communication. We strive to make the jobs of our client contacts easier, as well as to produce outstanding results on a cost-effective basis.


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