
Hinshaw lawyers regularly evaluate and advise clients in myriad bad faith, extra-contractual, and market conduct matters. We represent insurers in trial and appeals of first and third-party bad faith actions in courts across the country. In addition, we advise clients and provide training in proper claims practices and compliance with statutory, regulatory, and common law requirements and best practices.

Our experience extends to a variety of claims, including allegations of inadequate investigation; unreasonable failure to defend or indemnify; unfair or improper claims handling; unfair settlement practices or failure to settle; and other various allegations. Hinshaw lawyers are well-versed in defeating such claims and in limiting recovery of damages, including punitive damages and attorney fees. We represent insurers with respect to other extra-contractual claims, including claims involving loss control and risk management services; alleged conspiracy claims; alleged improper hiring or supervision of contractors; alleged breaches of fiduciary duties; alleged violations of insurance regulations; and alleged fraud and misrepresentation.

Hinshaw lawyers also represent insurers in the resolution of market conduct claims and class actions, including claims relating to premium pricing, alleged policyholder discrimination, claim adjustments and property valuations, and a variety of other matters.

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