- Client alertClient Alert: Banking Regulators Offer Final Guidance on Sound Incentive Compensation Policies
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Medical Interns and Residents Have Right to Organize Under The National Labor Relations Act
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Supreme Court Ruling Offers Employers Hints for Searching Employee Electronic Communications
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Grandfathering Under The Affordable Care Act: What changes would cause your health plan to lose grandfathered status?
- Client alertClient Alert: New Advanced Energy Property Tax Exemptions
- Client alertClient Alert: New, Low-Interest Options for Financing Alternative Energy Projects
- Client alertSecurities Alert: Public Company Impact of Financial Reform Measures
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Unpaid Interns May Be Entitled to Compensation Under Law
- Client alertImmigration Alert: The Department of State Announces Increase Of Nonimmigrant Visa Application (MRV) Fees
- Client alertClient Alert: 2011 IPPS Proposed Rule Includes Changes to Provider Enrollment Effective Dates
- Client alertClient Alert: New Federal Gift Card Statutes and Regulations (2010)
- Client alertClient Alert: Maximum Period for Submission of Medicare Claims Reduced to Not More than 12 Months
- Client alertClient Alert: EBSA, SEC Issue Guidance Regarding Target Date Funds
- Client alertClient Alert: Certificate of Need Program to Allow Applications for Inter-County Bed Relocations
- Client alertClient Alert: Health Care Reform Limits Deduction for Compensation Paid by Insurers
- Client alertClient Alert: Renovation Rule Looms Over Contractors and Property Managers
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: New Whistleblower Protections Added to the Fair Labor Standards Act
- Client alertClient Alert: Continuing Extension Act of 2010 Extends the COBRA Premium Subsidy
- Client alertSecurities Alert: XBRL Requirements Become Effective for All Large Accelerated Filers on June 15, 2010
- Client alertClient Alert: Supreme Court of Ohio Reverses Ohio Board of Tax Appeals Decision Regarding Use of the Retail Method of Accounting When Valuing Inventory
- Client alertClient Alert: Recent Health Care Legislation Impacts Tax-Exempt Hospitals
- Client alertClient Alert: Recent Supreme Court Ruling May Render Businesses More Susceptible to Federal Class Action Suits
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: New Federal Rights for Nursing Mothers in the Workplace
- Authored articleApril 2010What Indemnification Means to You
- Authored articleMealey's Cyber Tech & E-Commerce Report "'I Paid for this Microphone' - When Does Ownership of the Microphone Give You Ownership of the Messages?"
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: HIRE Act Provides Tax Incentives for Businesses to Hire Unemployed Workers
- Client alertClient Alert: Health Care Reform Timeline
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Two for the Employer: Ohio Supreme Court Upholds Limitation On Employment Intentional Tort Lawsuits
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Department of Labor Looking to Crack Down on Independent Contractor Misclassification
- Client alertSecurities Alert: SEC Adopts Amendments to E-Proxy Rules to Increase Shareholder Participation in the Voting Process
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Temporary Extension of the ARRA COBRA Premium Subsidy
- Client alertClient Alert: American Renewable Energy Jobs Act Would Restrict Renewable Energy Grants
- Authored articleSpring 2010Ohio Employees May Use ‘Intentional Tort’ Law to Address Chemical Exposure
- Client alertImmigration Alert
- Authored articleSpring 2010The Challenges of Antitrust Enforcement in the New Administration: One Practitioner's View
- Authored articleMarch 2010The Times They Are A'Changin' — with Apologies to Bob Dylan
- Authored articleMarch/April 2010Pennsylvania Supreme Court Defines 'Royalty': Approves Post-Production Costs and Net-Back to the Wellhead Calculation of Royalty
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: New Model CHIP Notice
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Private Property Improvements for Benefit of State – Lessee Held Not Subject to Prevailing Wages
- Client alertClient Alert: Ohio New Markets Tax Credit Program Now Available
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: DOL Updates COBRA Forms for Subsidy Extension: Who Gets What?
- Client alertEstate Tax Alert
- Authored article2010 Cumulative Supplement to Employee Benefits Law
- Authored article2010Lost Opportunity: Learning the Wrong Lesson from the Hayes-Tilden Dispute
- Authored article2010The Twelfth Amendment: A Constitutional Ticking Time Bomb
- Authored articleJanuary/February 2010Default Decisions – What are the Options When a Tenant Files for Bankruptcy
- Authored article2010Corporate Communications: Problems, Pitfalls and Practical Points
- Authored article2010Becoming a Workers' Compensation Specialist
- Authored article“Bank Incentive Compensation Programs; The Federal Reserve Proposal,” The Ohio Community Banker, December, 2009
- Client alertClient Alert: Ohio Department of Development Issues Reallocation Guidelines for Recovery Zone Bonds