- Client alertOil and Gas Alert: Supreme Court of Ohio Clarifies Ohio Marketable Title Act
- Client alertState and Local Tax Alert: When 'Pi in the Sky' is Too Good to be True: Ohio Sales Tax and Aircraft Leasing
- Client alertClient Alert: New IRS Proposed Regulations Under Section 956 Substantially Reduce ‘Deemed Dividend’ Concerns With Respect To The Use Of Foreign Credit Support For US Corporate Financings
- Client alertIntellectual Property Alert: Federal Circuit Finds Computer Security Innovation to be Patent-Eligible
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Deadline to Distribute 2018 Form 1095-Cs to Employees Extended
- Client alertClient Alert: Pennsylvania Supreme Court Requires Employers to Protect Employee Information from Computer Hacks
- Authored articleNuisance Lawsuits May Threaten Livestock Farmers
- Client alertState and Local Tax Alert: Ohio Supreme Court Clarifies Sales Tax Law on Business Purchase of Promotional Items
- Client alertSecurities Alert: ISS Issues 2019 Proxy Voting Guidelines Updates
- Authored articlePredictive analytics could help prevent student suicides
- Client alertClient Alert: Ohio Law Cements a Link for Blockchain Technology
- Client alertClient Alert: Austin, Texas, Paid Sick Leave Law Ruled Unconstitutional
- Authored articleCharitable Strategies Remain for Tax-Minded Donors
- Authored articleFall 2018What You Should Know About the Laws Surrounding Electronic Signatures (The Bankers' Statement)
- Authored articleFall 2018Sharing Resources
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Treasury Department Releases Proposed Regulations Addressing Awaited Guidance On Hardship Distributions
- Authored articleFall 2018Raising Capital or Issuing Debt for Community Institutions
- Authored articleFall 2018Continued Uncertainty in Banking Marijuana Businesses in Ohio
- Authored articleFall 2018New Ohio Legislation Impacting Trusts and Estates Expected Before Year-End
- Authored articleFall 2018New Opportunities for Federal Thrifts
- Authored articleChanges in Tax Planning Priorities in Light of Increases in Federal Estate Tax Exemption
- Client alertClient Alert: Seven Things to Consider Regarding “Sunshine Laws”
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Missouri Legalizes Medical Marijuana
- Client alertClient Alert: GREEN WAVE: Michigan Becomes the First Midwestern State to Legalize Recreational Marijuana
- Client alertOhio Statehouse Update: Ohio Election Summary 2018
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Michigan Legalizes Recreational Use of Marijuana
- Client alertHealth Care Alert: CMS Rules Expand Use of Telehealth And Remote Patient Monitoring Under Medicare
- Client alertClient Alert: Securities and Exchange Commission Imposes $1 Million Penalty on Voya Financial Advisors after Cybersecurity Intrusion
- Authored articleOnline Notaries Are Coming (And Why You Should Care)
- Client alertClient Alert: Canadian Privacy Commissioner Releases Data Breach Notification Guidance
- Client alertFederal Tax Bulletin: Qualified Opportunity Zones: Proposed Regulations Provide Investors with Guidance on Several Important Questions
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Don’t Forget to Disclose: Benefits Administrators Need to Provide End of Year Notices
- Authored articleAdvice on Business Development, Seizing Opportunities, and the Work–Life Balance for Young Women Lawyers
- Client alertClient Alert: Recent Changes to the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) Review Process
- Authored articleHow Employers Can Address Secret Workplace Recordings
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Wage and Hour Issues for Agricultural Employers
- Client alertHealth Care Alert: CMS Clarifications to Medicare Requirements for Inpatient Admission Orders Reflect Promising Development for Hospitals
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: California Expands Employer Liability for Discrimination Under The FEHA
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: California Extends Mandatory Sexual Harassment Training to All Employees
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: California Enacts Further Restrictions on Non-Disclosure Agreements
- Authored articleThe Rules of The Road: Avoiding Ambiguity in Documenting Your Load
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: OSHA Clarifies That Safety Incentives and Post-Incident Drug Testing Are Permitted
- Client alertIntellectual Property Alert: Can §101 be Overcome for Diagnostic Patent Claims?
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Department of Justice Continues to Focus on Website Access and Disability Accommodations
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Illinois Now Mandates That Employers Reimburse Employees’ Business Expenses
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: Kentucky Supreme Court Prohibits Mandatory Arbitration Agreements
- Client alertClient Alert: Sixth Circuit Reaffirms Due Process Right to Cross-Examine Title IX Accuser
- Client alertClient Alert: Have You Recently Been Assessed Federal Civil Penalties for Late-Filed or Incorrect Forms W-2? We Should Talk.
- Client alertLabor and Employment Alert: New York Issues Its Model Sexual Harassment Policy and Training
- Client alertIntellectual Property Alert: Federal Circuit Weighs in on Burden-Shifting and Result Effective Variables in IPR Proceedings